
Is Energy Efficiency Important To You? What You Need To Ask About Homes For Sale

Do you want an energy-efficient home? Residential heating costs make up almost 42 percent of most American households' utility bills, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. If you want to lower heating/cooling costs and help the environment, take a look at the top energy efficiency-related questions to ask when you are looking to buy a new, energy-efficient home. What Type of Windows Does the Home Have? Don't let the warm or cool (depending on the season) indoor air leak out of your new home's old windows. Read More 

Buying A Home For Sale Amid A Pandemic: Differences To Expect

The process of buying a home is always exciting, but when you are facing the process of buying a home amid a national pandemic, you may not know what to expect. During the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, the buying and selling of residential properties may have slowed, but homes are bought and sold just the same. The home-buying process does look somewhat different for those buyers who ventured out to find their next place to call home. Read More 

Ready To Downsize? Why You Should Rent A Townhouse Now That You’re Retiring

If you're ready to sell your home and you want to rent a place instead, it's time to look at a townhouse. Apartments and single-family homes are the right option for some. But, when you're ready to retire, a townhouse is the way to go. Before you choose an apartment or a home, tour a townhouse instead. Here are just four of the reasons you should rent a townhouse now that you're going to retire. Read More 

Looking For A Luxury Home? Try These Tips For A Better Search Experience

Terms like "luxury real estate" and "luxury homes for sale" can seem confusing to home buyers who are ready to begin their search for their next home. The use of the word luxury could lead some prospective buyers to envision homes equipped with gold-plated fixtures, satin-covered surfaces or other very expensive features.  While opulent interiors are sure to be found on some properties advertised as luxury real estate, it is not an actual requirement. Read More 

Benefits of Single-Family Homes Compared to Attached Unit Homes

Typically, buying real estate is a wise decision, as it is an asset that appreciates over time. In addition, when you own your residence, you can qualify for tax breaks. Additionally, in many major metro areas of the country, a mortgage payment is less expensive than paying rent. If you're interested in purchasing residential real estate, you will need to decide whether to opt for a single-family home or an attached unit home, such as a townhouse or a condominium. Read More