
How To Conduct A Tenant Background Check

Whether you're a property owner or managing a property for someone else, it's important to protect that property by carrying out thorough credit and background checks on any prospective tenants. That way, you can identify those individuals whose criminal record, record of evictions or history of not paying rent on time make them unacceptable risks. All landlords are allowed to carry out background checks and review credit records when they want to screen applicants. Read More 

Need Cash? How A Cash Out Refinance Can Help

If you've been paying on your home for a while and need money, you might think that a home equity loan is the way to go. In most cases, because you have two loans, you could end up paying more per month than if you did a cash out refinance on your property. This guide explains what a cash out refinance is and when to consider this option. What a Cash Out Refinance Is Read More 

Beyond the Application: How to Choose the Best Tenants

Your rental property is one of your biggest investments and when it sits vacant, it doesn't earn you any money. Understandably, you want to get it occupied as soon as possible but it's also important to make sure you're handing over the keys to the right sort of tenants. Being too hasty with your screening process can cost you plenty in late payments, property damage and even civil court fees. If you're looking to rent out your property, here's how to thoroughly screen your applicants. Read More 

3 Ways To Increase Employee Productivity During Cold & Flu Season

It can be difficult enough for many office managers to keep staff on-task during the holiday season when employees are planning holiday gatherings and dreaming of vacations to warm destinations. Employees also take additional days off for those holidays and vacations. This means that you don't need the additional distraction of employees with colds, and you don't want employees taking extra time off work if they catch the flu. Follow these tips to keep your office productive during cold and flu season when you feel like the odds are stacked against you. Read More 

Home Office? How To Clean It Fast

If you work at home and have your own office, it can quickly become dirty. Below are some tips on how to get it clean fast. This article focuses on the main areas of your office that are likely to get dirty, such as your electronics, desktop stains, grimy accessories, and a germy computer keyboard. If you do not have time or do not like to clean it yourself, you should hire an office cleaning company, such as Paramount Janitorial Services, to come to your home regularly. Read More