Small Details To Fix Before Showings For Your House Begin
When you're getting ready to put up your single family home for sale, your real estate agent will customarily walk through the residence to discuss the steps that are smart to take before customers begin attending showings. Generally, this discussion will focus on large projects, such as replacing a failing roof. The completing of tasks of this magnitude can make your home more desirable to buyers. However, it's also important to look at the smaller things that you can do. Fixing some small things may not be the chief factor that makes someone submit an offer on your home, but these small tasks can combine to play a role. Here are some small details to fix.
Replace Bad Window Screens
In many peoples' homes, one or more of the window screens will have slight tears. This isn't a huge deal, but it can be a small distraction when people visit the room and look out the window. Some people will view this small issue as a hindrance — they know that if they were to buy the home, one of the projects they'd need to deal with would be replacing any problematic screens. You can avoid this dilemma by replacing the screens yourself. This is something you can do on your own with a screen kit and a small investment of your time.
Deal With Any Laminate Flooring Gaps
Individual sections of your laminate flooring are floating, rather than nailed down, which means that they can occasionally separate. You might notice this at the base of a set of stairs, for example, as the constant pressure from
Fix Any Dripping Faucets
A dripping faucet can be a distraction for people visiting your house during a showing and may make them wonder if there are other plumbing issues present. The average homeowner can fix a dripping faucet by removing the tip and replacing the gasket, which you can buy inexpensively at a plumbing supply store. If you're not comfortable with this job, it's worthwhile to have a plumber perform it for you, as this can remove this distraction in your bathroom or kitchen and allow the prospective buyer to focus on the benefits of the room.